The fifth licensing round for the exploitation of oil and gas resources, which was recently signed, and which was long awaited for five years, during which Iraq lost millions of dollars in addition to the negative environmental damage to members of community, where this round is described as one of the   features of the end of deprivation as it targets poor areas and will improve the standard of living of their residents after providing them with many job opportunities, in addition, its implementation will represent a qualitative shift in the path of optimal exploitation of oil and gas resources in Iraq.iraq today

NIHR, which  always cares about the youth segment and seeks to provide them with suitable job opportunities and live with dignity, believes that it has achieved an important achievement in its steps towards achieving  the  desired goals in reducing  the percentage of Unemployment and  delivering its voice to decision-makers, and considers this achievement to achieve part of its repeated demands in  this regard, and today calls on those in positions of responsibility in state institutions to provide prospects of appropriate work for young people, especially graduates, and dealing according to the standards of transparency and equality so that everyone enjoys their rights without discrimination.


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